Desde hace varias semanas nos han notificado clientes que reciben correos que indican que les han hackeado su correo y ordenador y que les piden un chantaje en bitcoins por no hacer públicas imágenes o contenido pornográfico que han encontrado en su ordenador.
Están construidos con alguna contraseña pública obtenida de algun hackeo antiguo a algún proveedor, y por eso pueden parecer ciertos, pero son totalmente FALSOS. IGNORALOS.
Ejemplo 1 de correo falso malicioso que pretende que les pagues un rescate:
So I am a hacker who cracked your e mail and device a couple of weeks back.
You entered your password on one of the sites you visited, and I intercepted this.
Here is your password of [DIECCION_EMAIL_DEL CLIENTE] upon time of hack: [CONTRASEÑA ANTIGUA]
Clearly one can will change it, or already changed it.
However this won’t matter, my malware updated it each and every time.
Do not really try to contact me personally or find me.
Via your email, I uploaded malware code to your Operation System.
I saved your entire contacts together with friends, fellow workers, family members as well as the complete record of visits to the World-wide-web resources.
Also I set up a Trojan on your system.
You will not be my only victim, I typically lock desktops and ask for the ransom.
However I ended up being hit by the websites of personal material that you often stop by.
I am in great shock of your current fantasies! I’ve never ever seen something like this!
Thus, when you had enjoyment on piquant web sites (you know what I am talking about!) I created screenshot with utilizing my program from your camera of yours system.
Next, I combined them to the content of the particular currently seen web site.
There will certainly be laughter when I send these pics to your contacts!
Yet I am sure you do not need that.
Therefore, I expect payment from you for my silence.
I feel $5710 is an suitable cost for it!
Pay with Bitcoin.
My Bitcoin wallet is 16bT12J9csY1o8S1KJHPzN8SW5KxLV
In case you do not really understand how to do this – type in to Google ‘how to transfer money to a bitcoin wallet’. It is not difficult.
After getting the given amount, all your data will be straight away destroyed automatically. My computer virus will also get rid of itself out of your computer.
My Trojan have auto alert, so I know when this e-mail is opened.
I give you two days (Forty-eight hours) for you to make the payment.
If this does not take place – all your friends will get outrageous pictures from your darkish secret life and your system will be blocked as well after two days.
Do not be stupid!
Police or pals won’t aid you for sure …
PS I can provide you with recommendation for the future. Do not enter your passwords on unsafe websites.
I wish for your discretion.