Si recibimos un correo con maldet alert from host, podemos usar la primera forma para meter la ruta en el archivo /usr/local/maldetect/ignore_ paths
.: 8 [ IGNORE OPTIONS ] There are four ignore files available and they break down as follows: /usr/local/maldetect/ignore_paths A line spaced file for paths that are to be execluded from search results Sample ignore entry: /home/user/public_html/cgi-bin /usr/local/maldetect/ignore_file_ext A line spaced file for file extensions to be excluded from search results Sample ignore entry: .js .css /usr/local/maldetect/ignore_sigs A line spaced file for signatures that should be removed from file scanning Sample ignore entry: base64.inject.unclassed /usr/local/maldetect/ignore_inotify A line spaced file for regexp paths that are excluded from inotify monitoring Sample ignore entry: ^/home/user$ ^/var/tmp/#sql_.*\.MYD$
Podemos usar la primera forma para meter la ruta en el archivo /usr/local/maldetect/ignore_ paths
.: 8 [ IGNORE OPTIONS ] There are four ignore files available and they break down as follows: /usr/local/maldetect/ignore_paths A line spaced file for paths that are to be execluded from search results Sample ignore entry: /home/user/public_html/cgi-bin /usr/local/maldetect/ignore_file_ext A line spaced file for file extensions to be excluded from search results Sample ignore entry: .js .css /usr/local/maldetect/ignore_sigs A line spaced file for signatures that should be removed from file scanning Sample ignore entry: base64.inject.unclassed /usr/local/maldetect/ignore_inotify A line spaced file for regexp paths that are excluded from inotify monitoring Sample ignore entry: ^/home/user$ ^/var/tmp/#sql_.*\.MYD$